The Soon-to-be Duffs

So, you may be wondering how "The Soon-to-be Duffs" came about? Well, the story of "us" is pretty neat! Eric and I have actually known each other since kindergarten! We both went to elementary school together, and he was actually my first little crush as a little girl. Who knew that years later, we would end up engaged? 

We were always friends (not close friends, but friends) throughout our school years, and after elementary school Eric & I went to different middle schools, and high schools. We would run into each other here and there, but we had completely different friends and only really talked occasionally online.  After high school, I moved away to Baton Rouge for college at LSU, and Eric had moved to Keller Tx, moved back home, and started school himself. 

After I finished college, I moved back to Lake Charles, and Eric and I were both in other relationships. Eric tells me he remembers seeing me out with my past boyfriend, and saying hello, but that was it. 

Eventually, we were both single, and started running into each other all the time. I would always get facebook messages from Eric saying little short and sweet things like, "Good seeing you tonight, be safe going home!" or "You left before I got to tell you hey!" 

After seeing each other out, and him sending those short friendly messages, he finally started asking me to hang out. Now that I look back on our messages, I feel so bad because I didn't realize he asked me to meet him different places or to hangout here and there probably 5 or 6 times before I finally agreed. This wasn't because I wasn't interested, but at the time, I didn't feel that I was ready. I had recently gotten out of a very stressful relationship, and the last thing I could think about was men! lol :) So, I usually had my excuses...I was already in my pjs ready to wind down...or it was a school night...or I was already busy...and night...Eric messaged me saying,
"Hey! I'm not sure what you and your friends have planned for tonight, but if you'd like to meet me later I will be watching a band at Luna!" 
It was a Friday night, and sadly, I had no plans. My friends were either out of town, busy with family, or hanging with their husbands/boyfriends. I was living by myself at the time (well..just me and Mars of course ) and I refused to sit at home by myself on a Friday night. I  thought to myself, "What do I have to lose? I know Eric is a great guy, and even if we just hang out as friends I know it'll be fun." 

So I got dressed, and headed to meet him. For all of you that know me, you know that this was a huge deal for me. I am very outgoing, but not with guys. I usually would have never gone to meet a guy (even though I already knew him) in my car, by myself. I guess it did help that he's so handsome and charming ;). I met him at Luna..and he had already gone outside to make sure he could walk me in :)...such a gentleman :)

That night, we just talked and hung out as friends, although in the back of our minds we both knew we wanted to see where this could possibly go. It was amazing how much we had in common, and the weirdest thing was the fact that we had the same tattoo...for the same reason. We both never dreamed of having a tattoo, until our grandparents passed away. My Gran and Eric's Paw Paw Duffy passed away around the same time, and a week after his funeral Eric got the same tattoos his Paw Paw had. He had a sparrow on each side of his chest from the miles he flew while in the military. He wanted to have the same ones his Paw Paw had, in the same exact spots. :) I love Eric's tattoos because of the amazing meaning behind them. A few months after my Gran passed away, and after having a very, very hard year due to not only that, but other issues in my personal life, I got a tattoo to remind me of her every day. Crazy thing is..I also got a sparrow, but mine is on the inside of my left ankle. It is crazy to me that the man God made for me would have the same tattoo for the same reason, in honor of our lost grandparents. I think it's perfect :)

This is a picture of us from that night :) as just friends :)

After that night at Luna, we began texting and talking every day. He kept asking me on a real date, but (naturally) I kept having things come up and I wasn't available for a date until almost 2 weeks later. HOWEVER....we did go on a real first date 2 weeks later, and we had a blast! Eric picked me up and we went to Party by the Pool to watch a concert. After that first real date, we saw each other almost every day when we could. He was so easy to get along with, and to talk to...I felt so at home. 

After about a month of going on dates and spending time together, we did the whole "officially dating with a title thing" know...facebook offish...the whole 9... ;)

Our relationship kept getting stronger and stronger, and it felt so nice to finally feel like I had a life partner, a best friend, a better half, and not just a boyfriend. We both knew early on that we were it for each other :) Everything was just so easy, and we brought out the best in each other. My weaknesses were his strengths, and his were mine. He quickly became my biggest supporter, and the best friend I've ever known. Even when we had disagreements, they never turned into big deals, and leaving was never a thought that would ever enter our minds. We were head over heels :)

After dating a few months, and after Eric staying over more and more, We began talking about moving in together. This was a huge deal for me, because I had never lived with a boyfriend, and thought I'd only considerate it if I was engaged. Let me tell you, what they say is true...when you KNOW. :) I was scheduled to move into a new place in November, but the plan was just for me and my roommate at the time, Kali. One night we were talking and Eric mentioned something like, "Hey, we've talked about living together eventally, why not when you move into your new place? We already stay together all the time and we get along better than I could ever imagine getting along with a girlfriend!" So, I thought about it for all of 5 minutes and said, "Okay!" (and because Kali is so awesome, and very laid back, she was fine with it being us three instead of just her and I)
This was all three of us :)

It is so strangely wonderful how the right person can change your viewpoint on everything. Eric completely changed my view on men and love (for the better) and I know God put him in my life when I needed it most. 

Well.. we moved in together, and come Feb. 1st of this year, Eric asked me to be his forever :) Of course I said YES!!

It still blows my mind that in just almost a year, I have found my soulmate, moved in together, and gotten engaged. I am so thankful that God's plan for me is so much better than I could've ever imagined!! 

Eric is the best man I have ever met (besides my daddy and stepdaddy of course ;)) and I can't see myself building a life and a future family with anyone but him. He is the most selfless, loving person I have ever known. He puts my needs before his own, and I can only hope that I do the same for him! He has shown me what a MAN really is, and what loving someone more than yourself really feels like. I know that no matter what life throws at us, we can tackle it together, holding hands :) We support each other, and push each other to achieve our goals. Eric keeps me sane by teaching me to just relax and being silly with me :) 

Here is a picture of us now :)

Eric got a job just before Christmas in the IT department at LCMH main campus, and he loves it! I am so proud of him for being only a year away from graduating and already getting a job in his field. I am currently working at LCMH women's campus while waiting to start my internship. I was accepted into the Clinical Laboratory Science Internship at LCMH main campus. So starting in August, we will both be working at the same place, just different departments! Ha! A year from August, once my internship is complete, I will be a clinical laboratory scientist, and I can't wait! I'm a nerd at heart, lol! (hey, my degree is in biology! nerd alert!)

So, for now, Eric and I are working and so close to being done with schooling/internships FOREVER! We can't wait to start a family after we are done and I get my career going. We enjoy life while being goofy and spending our nights cooking together with just us or with family and friends, too! (and the pups of course) ;) 

Now you know some more about us and how this whole thing got started :) Hope you enjoyed our story :)

P.S. My momma now says, "All I heard about when you were in elementary school was that cute Eric Duffy kid, and I said if I have to hear his name one more timeeee...and now I have to hear his name all over again!!!" -This is pretty cool if you ask me :) You really never know what God has in store for you, and it may just be RIGHT under your nose ;)

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